Top 5 Best Linux Server Distros For 2018

2018 Edition Of Best Linux OS Server You Should Use:

Best Linux Server For 2018
In terms of the popularity of different operating systems, Linux benefits a better position in the servers market. As a result of many unbeatable benefits like stability, security, freedom, and hardware support, Linux is often the favorite platform to work upon for system administrators and expert users. Just like other special purposes which involves gaming, programming, or hacking, the category of Linux server distros too is very large.

These operating systems come with specialized tools and long-term support. They also try to make sure that you get the best uptime, power efficiency, security, and optimized performance. However, in this article we are to look at the best options available. This list includes free Linux server options as well as paid ones:

Best Linux Server For 2018:

RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux):
RHEL has the same position in enterprise arena which is enjoyed by Ubuntu in the world of Linux desktops so this shouldn't take you be surprise why it is included in the list.

Red Hat, the company behind Red Hat Enterprise Linux, is an early and biggest player in the Linux enterprise world. Over the years, they have refined RHEL and ensured that the most software packages and hardware are RHEL supported or “certified.”

Apart from certified status, long-term support also matters a lot in the search for top Linux server OS. The company claims that 90% companies on the Fortune Global 500 use Red Hat–that says a lot.

Moreover, Red Hat also offers a no-cost and non-production RHEL subscription for developers.

Ubuntu LTS:Ubuntu LTS
Compared to RHEL, Ubuntu repositories get software packages at a faster pace. This choice, again, boils down to your particular needs. If you want all the latest features and updates on some apps and software, go for Ubuntu.

It has an extensive user community and user community. It’s also recommended for a Linux beginner who is willing to make a jump into the world of Linux.

Talking about the performance, Ubuntu delivers a flexible performance. You can also go for Ubuntu Server option, which comes with some useful packages like mail server, LAMP server, Samba file server, OpenStack Mitaka, Nginx, etc.

The 5-year LTS support of this distro also ensures the use of this beginner-friendly Linux server distro for scenarios like setting up a media server, email server, or game server.

Gentoo:Gentoo Linux Server
If you’re an experienced Linux user who loves challenges and has got requirements for a Linux server OS, Gentoo might be your choice. With its modular approach, Gentoo promotes the “if you don’t need it, don’t install it” philosophy. This reduces tons of unneeded bloat and dependencies.

Also, each installation of Gentoo is unique and customized, which gives an admin all the control he needs. Moreover, with USA flags and package masking, you gain extra control. However, as said above, it’s not for everyone; so, choose your battles wisely.

Stability is the main reason why some of the most popular Linux distributions are based on Debian. While anything you wish to do on Debian can be achieved on Ubuntu, it is recommended if you’re on an above-average level and stability matters a lot.

Another thing to keep in mind is that Debian ships with free software only. It’s also more lightweight and fast in comparison to Ubuntu, which makes it a suitable choice for older hardware.

To cut it short, if you’re working in an enterprise environment where security matters and you’re familiar with Linux, and you need a Linux server OS, choose Debian over Ubuntu (suggestion).

openSUSE Leap:openSUSE Leap
While it might be a 100% accurate comparison, openSUSE Leap and SLES are SUSE’s RHEL and CentOS. Leap uses the same core base of SLE and comes with free community packages and support; with SLES you get dedicated enterprise support and patches.

So, if a dedicated support isn’t your priority, you’re advised to choose Leap and get patches and fixes for free. It goes without saying that SLES is more stable and comes with certifications from many enterprise application vendors.

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